Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Risk is a concept that denotes the precise probability of specific eventualities. Risk can be defined as “the threat or probability that an action or event will adversely or beneficially affect an organisation's ability to achieve its objectives. In simple terms risk is ‘Uncertainty of Outcome’, either from pursuing a future positive opportunity, or an existing negative threat in trying to achieve a current objective.


a.) Staff Turnover: This kind of software can affect the success or failure of a project since in
this situation. the working staff leave before the project is finished, so we can just imagine the scenario when there is staff turnover, so the whole project and the management will be put in "hot water".

b.) The project itself: This kind of software risks include inadequate configuration control, cost overruns and poor quality. Poor quality means the software either does not work very well, or it fails in operation repeatedly. So this is problem once it is encounter.

Commercial software risks: A finished project may have lower user satisfaction. Lower user satisfaction means the product has low quality, functions inadequately, and has complex structures. Users are also displeased by excessive utilization of disk space or other hardware components requirements by the software.

d.) Hardware Unavailability: A kind of sofware risk where the needed hardware specifically needed of a certain project is not available on a certain schedule that is set that it would be use.

e.) Configuring the Project: This simply means that the project might be in jeopardy once the congifure is mistaken and there will be a great need for the project to reconstruct it again.

Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events. In such cases, there are strategies or techniques as for to guide on how to deliberate certain risks.

  1. Identify, characterize, and assess threats.
  2. Assess the vulnerability of critical assets to specific threats.
  3. Determine the risk (i.e. the expected consequences of specific types of attacks on specific assets).
  4. Identify ways to reduce those risks.
  5. Prioritize risk reduction measures based on a strategy
As an IT student, I am mold in programming works then I will practice myself to the field where I started. I will use my knowledge in creating a program which can enhance my ability and develop the creativity of my mind. Im comfortable to do such job which is I love to do.
Being a professional software engineer. I will accept the proposal of my manager and convince my team to give time to the said project. This is the kind of profession we choose which is the need of the costumer is important to be accomplish, because this is our business.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our Definition of CASE

Many definitions and descriptions of CASE exist.
We choose a broad definition, perhaps the most straightforward one possible:
CASE is the use of computer-based support in the software development process.
This definition includes all kinds of computer-based support for any of the managerial, administrative, or technical aspects of any part of a software project.

What Is a CASE Tool?

Since the early days of writing software, there has been an awareness of the need for automated tools to help the software developer. Initially the concentration was on program support tools such as translators, compilers, assemblers, macro processors, and linkers and loaders. However, as computers became more powerful and the software that ran on them grew larger and more complex, the range of support tools began to expand. In particular, the use of interactive time-sharing systems for software development encouraged the development of program editors, debuggers, code analyzers, and program-pretty printers.

Copyright 2007 by Carnegie Mellon UniversityTerms of Use
URL: http://www.sei.cmu.edu/legacy/case/case_whatis.html

pert diagram

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Software Engineering

Software Engineering is the establishment and use of sounds engineering principles in order to obtain economically software that is reliable and works efficiently on real machines.

[Fritz Bauer[NAU69]]

Software Engineering the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software; that is the application of engineering to software.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Who I Am?

i am a student availing every chances that i encounter.......just to show the world that i can make my own decesion without relying to my parents.......im am working for my own.......wishing to visit a world which is impossible to exist..